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I'm receiving an error when providing payment on the TechSoup website, what should I do?
I am experiencing issues with the TechSoup website, what should I do?
What is a Boost membership?
Can a fiscally sponsored organization or program join TechSoup?
My organization is not a 501(c)(3) Public Charity or a public library, can TechSoup still support us?
I'm not receiving emails from TechSoup, what should I do?
How do I confirm my email after I join TechSoup or update my login email address?
What is a Quad membership?
Unable to access TechSoup Customer Service’s Live Chat?
TechSoup Support Services & Resources
How do I contact TechSoup Customer Service?
Where are my validation details and what does my qualification status mean?
How do I join TechSoup?
How do I access donated and discounted Microsoft for Nonprofits products on TechSoup?
How do I authorize TechSoup as my provider for Microsoft?
What's the difference between on-premises and cloud licenses?
How do I know who is a Global Administrator of my Microsoft account?
Can churches and other religious organizations join TechSoup?
How do I download and install, or activate, my Microsoft on-premises license?
How do I edit my member information?
I haven’t received my GrantStation membership information, what should I do?
I missed the GrantStation promotion, can I ask for an exception?
What is my organization's type and sub type?
How do I renew my GrantStation membership?
When is the next GrantStation promotion?
Where can I find support for my on-premises Microsoft products?
How do I request on-premises Microsoft products on TechSoup?
What is an eAgreement and where can I find it?
Where can I find and edit my organization's account information?
Where can I find and edit my organization's association code?
Where is the download link and key for my on-premises Microsoft product?
I can't login to my TechSoup account, what should I do?
Why do I see "Your domain and authorization could not be verified." when adding my Microsoft on-premises product to the cart?
How do I download and install Office?
How do I view and manage my Microsoft cloud subscriptions?
How do I view and print invoices for my Microsoft cloud subscriptions?
How do I request Microsoft cloud products and solutions on TechSoup?
How do I migrate data to my new, donated QuickBooks Online subscription?
How do I get support for QuickBooks Online?
How do I upgrade or downgrade my QuickBooks Online subscription?
How do I renew my donated QuickBooks Online subscription through TechSoup?
How do I add or update payment information for my Microsoft cloud subscriptions?
Which offers is my organization eligible for?
Which Microsoft Cloud solution is right for my organization and how can I explore the different features?
What are TechSoup’s Cloud Support Services?
Where can I find support for Microsoft cloud offers?
When will TechSoup offer the 2025 version of the Adobe Photoshop Elements and Premiere Elements Bundle?
What changed with the new Adobe Acrobat Pro DC 1-Year Individual Membership – External Offer
Is Adobe Acrobat Pro 2020 desktop products being discontinued in 2025?
How do I access or request nonprofit offers?
How to find products and services, and review offer Information on TechSoup?
How do I find my validation tokens?
I already paid TechSoup, why is Zoom now trying to charge me?
How do I add or edit my payment information on file for subscription renewal?
How do I manage recurring payments for subscriptions or other offers through TechSoup?
Can I return, refund, or exchange offers received through TechSoup?
How can I change or cancel a request?
How can I check the status of a request?
How do I active or renew my Norton subscription?