- Overview
- Error Message
- Global Administrator Privileges Required
- Step One: Default Domain
- Step Two: Authorize TechSoup as Your Partner
Beginning 2022, organizations are now required to provide a validated Microsoft domain when adding Microsoft on-premises products to their TechSoup cart for the first time since the program changed. Once a domain is associated to the organization on TechSoup, it will not be prompted to go through the process again.
Error Message
A common issue when adding Microsoft on-premises products to your cart for the first time, is receiving the following error:
"Your domain and authorization could not be verified. Check your spelling and make sure the domain has been successfully validated through Microsoft for Nonprofits."
This error typically appears when your default domain wasn’t selected or entered, or you haven’t authorized TechSoup as your partner with Microsoft.
Global Administrator Privileges Required
You’ll need a Global Administrator’s login to access the Domains page and Partner Relationships pages in your Microsoft 365 Admin Center.
Learn more about admin roles in the Microsoft 365 admin center and assigning admin roles in the Microsoft 365 admin center.
The person who registered your organization with Microsoft for Nonprofits is, by default, one of the Global Administrators. However, these privileges can be removed, and it is not guaranteed the login associated with the person who registered still has these privileges.
Contact Microsoft for Nonprofits support for assistance accessing your Global Administrator’s login or becoming the Global Administrator.
Access the Microsoft for Nonprofits support request form by typing a brief description under How can we help? and then selecting “Get Help”.
If the Microsoft Support representative asks you to contact TechSoup, please inform them that your issue is not related to your validation status and you require account support from them. Only Microsoft can update Microsoft accounts, TechSoup is unable to provide support for this issue.
Step One: Default Domain
Make sure the default domain listed in your Microsoft 365 Admin Center is entered or selected. While TechSoup may list your available domains, that does not indicate your default domain was automatically selected or even included in the list.
When domains are listed, select “None of these” under What is your validated domain?, to enter a domain.
How to Find Your Default Domain
Visit the Domains page in your Microsoft 365 Admin Center to see your organization's Microsoft account domains.
You can also find that Domains page by visiting your Microsoft 365 Admin Center and, in the menu on the left of the page, choosing Show All > Settings > Domains.
Use the domain listed as “(Default)” when entering your domain on TechSoup.
Check out this video guide to finding your default domain.
Step Two: Authorize TechSoup as Your Partner
When adding a Microsoft on-premise product to your cart for the first time, we’ll ask you to confirm your organization has authorized TechSoup as a partner in Microsoft 365 Admin Center.
Complete this authorization by visiting the Partner Relationships page in your Microsoft 365 Admin Center.
You can also find the Partner Relationships page by visiting your Microsoft 365 Admin Center and, in the menu on the left of the page, choosing Show All > Settings > Partner relationships. On that page you’ll see all of the partners you have authorized as providers.
Grayed Out Accept and Authorize Button
When the Accept and Authorize button is grayed out on the Partner Relationships page within your Microsoft 365 Admin Center, the following troubleshooting should resolve this issue:
- Using a Global Admin login, navigate to the Billing accounts page within your Microsoft 365 Admin Center — choose Billing from the menu on the left. Billing accounts is one of the subsections.
- On the Billing accounts page, review and ensure that all of your billing information is listed and that there are no blank fields.
- At the bottom of the Billing accounts page, select the My organization does not have a registration number option under Registration number (Optional). The Registration number (Optional) field may be hidden; click Edit to reveal this field.
- If the Accept and Authorize button is still grayed out on the Partner Relationships page, log out of your Microsoft Admin Center account, wait one hour, and log back in. Microsoft's system sometimes has a delay recognizing and syncing your account updates.
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