Not a representative of your organization on TechSoup yet? Learn how to represent an organization on TechSoup.
Only invite representatives (aka authorized agents) who plan to act on behalf of your organization and it's programs. Most products and services obtained through TechSoup can only be used by the requesting organization and may not be given or sold to other organizations or individuals — even as part of a charitable or fiscally sponsored program. For groups with both nonprofit and for-profit organizations in their legal structure, products and services are permitted for use only by those directly participating in the 501(c)(3) nonprofit mission and activities.
In your account, select your organization's name to view your organization's details. There you'll find a list of Authorized Agents. These are people who have been authorized to represent your organization on TechSoup.
Next to Authorized Agents, select the option to Invite a New Agent.
You'll be prompted to enter the email address of the person you'd like to invite to represent your organization on TechSoup. After selecting Send Invitation, the new representative will receive an email from TechSoup that includes the association code and instructions on how to join TechSoup.
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