- Confirm your request has been fulfilled.
- Confirm when you received the fulfillment email from TechSoup.
- Check your inbox and spam folders for GrantStation’s email confirming your membership or renewal.
- Contact GrantStation for support accessing your new membership or applying the renewal.
1. Confirm your request has been fulfilled.
Locate your GrantStation request in your Request History. You can also navigate to your Request History by clicking the icon shaped like a person in the top right corner of your screen and choosing Your Account.
Enter the request number or adjust the date range to locate your GrantStation request.
Once your Request History populates, click the request number from the list in order to see its details. If your request is still pending fulfillment this is where you can add or edit payment, or cancel the request.
2. Confirm when you received the fulfillment email from TechSoup.
Locate the fulfillment email in your Fulfillment Emails. You can also navigate to your Fulfillment emails by clicking the icon shaped like a person in the top right corner of your screen and choosing Your Account.
Your GrantStation membership begins when you receive a membership confirmation email from GrantStation. The confirmation is sent within 10 days of receiving your TechSoup fulfillment email.
3. Check your inbox and spam folders for GrantStation’s email confirming your membership or renewal.
Both the TechSoup fulfillment email and GrantStation’s confirmation email are sent to the organization email address that was listed in your organization details, in your TechSoup account, at the time of check out: click on the organization name to view its details.
4. Contact GrantStation for support accessing your new membership or applying the renewal.
Contact GrantStation, their support team will be able to assist you with accessing your membership or applying the 1-year renewal to your account.
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